If I understand correctly, $c_i$ is a binary decision variable that is $1$ if machine $i$ breaks down and $0$ otherwise. Also, I assume that $(a_{i-1}+b_i)$ is non-negative. You can introduce the decision variable $z$ which takes the value of $(a_{i-1}+b_i)(1-c_i)$. You can then introduce the following constraints.
0 \leq z \leq a_{i-1}+b_i \newline
z \geq (a_{i-1}+b_i)-c_iM \newline
z \leq M(1−c_i)
The first two constraints are straightforward. In the third constraint, if the machine does not break down, i.e., $c_i = 0$, $z$ is forced to take value $a_{i-1}+b_i$. If the machine breaks down ($c_i = 1$), the RHS becomes negative (where $M$ is a large number) and $z$ will take value $0$, because of the fourth constraint.