I am trying to solve a portfolio optimization problem using PuLP where given a dictionary of stock tickers and their returns for the day, returns a set of weights for each stock such that portfolio return is maximized. Both long and short positions are allowed. The weights must satisfy the following requirements
- Full investment (the absolute value of the weights sum to 1)
- Equity Market Neutral portfolio (long positions = short positions --> positive weights sum to 0.5 and negative weights sum to -0.5)
Here is an example list of assets (labeled assets in the code):
['META', 'GOOG', 'AAPL', 'BA', 'APO', 'FDX']
And a dictionary containing their returns (labeled returns_dict):
{'META': 0.005803442055417999, 'GOOG': -0.016066450130370023, 'AAPL': 0.0030249344157745966,
'BA': -0.05464299504580779, 'APO': -0.02150687085217356, 'FDX': -0.01989503040490268}
I'm trying to solve this problem using the following code:
lp_problem = pulp.LpProblem("Portfolio_Optimization", pulp.LpMaximize)
weights = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Weight", assets, lowBound=-1, upBound=1, cat='Continuous')
lp_problem += pulp.lpSum([returns_dict[asset] * weights[asset] for asset in assets])
# full investment constraint
lp_problem += pulp.lpSum([(-1 if weights[asset] <= 0 else 1) * weights[asset] for asset in assets]) == 1
#positive weights equal 0.5
lp_problem += pulp.lpSum([weights[asset] for asset in assets if weights[asset] >= 0]) - 0.5 <= 0.000001
#negative weights equal - 0.5
lp_problem += pulp.lpSum([weights[asset] for asset in assets if weights[asset] <= 0]) + 0.5 <= 0.000001
# Check the status of the solution
if pulp.LpStatus[lp_problem.status] == "Optimal":
# Get and print the optimal portfolio weights
optimal_weights = {asset: weights[asset].varValue for asset in assets}
print("Optimal Portfolio Weights:")
However, PuLp is returning the following weights:
{'META': 1.0, 'GOOG': 0.0, 'AAPL': 1.0, 'BA': -1.0, 'APO': -1.0, 'FDX': -1.0}
which completely violate all of the constraints that I gave it. The absolute value of the weights don't equal 1, they equal 5. The sum of the positive weights equal 2 instead of 0.5 and the sum of the negative weights equal -3 instead of -0.5. Is there any changes that I can make to the constraints to prevent this from happening?
The reason that I'm not simply setting the stock with the max positive return to 0.5 and the stock with the max negative return to -0.5 is to stay within a 25% interday turnover constraint, which I have not yet implemented.
Thank you
Following sascha's advice, I attempted to preform comparisons on the returns instead
#full investment
lp_problem += pulp.lpSum([(-1 if returns_dict[asset] <= 0 else 1) * weights[asset] for asset in assets]) == 1
#positive weights equal 0.5
lp_problem += pulp.lpSum([weights[asset] for asset in assets if returns_dict[asset] >= 0]) - 0.5 <= 0.000001
#negative weights equal - 0.5
lp_problem += pulp.lpSum([weights[asset] for asset in assets if returns_dict[asset] <= 0]) + 0.5 <= 0.000001
but that didn't appear to fix my problem and I'm still getting bogus weight values:
{'GOOG': 0.0, 'META': -1.0, 'AAPL': -1.0, 'BA': -1.0, 'APO': -1.0, 'FDX': -1.0}
I am aware that this is a suboptimal solution and fails in certain scenarios where all the returns are negative/positive, but was hoping it would work as a proof of concept.