I occasionally see this slightly strange thing happen with cplex where it jumps from a MIP gap of, say 5%, to then reporting the status as optimal. This happens when it starts solution polishing after hitting the PolishAfterTime
From inspection of the solutions, I do not believe they are actually optimal and I suspect something could be going wrong in solution polishing, but I'm unsure what. Has anyone seen anything similar or have an idea what could be happening? I have attached an example image of cplex logs. Also, it's worth noting that it never gets past the root node and cplex reports nodes=0
). The relative MIP gap is set to 0.00% and the absolute gap setting is at cplex's default (1e-06). I am not easily able to tell how far it is from the actual optimum though, but I believe I could determine this by either re-running it (the issues does not always replicate) or using a different solver as per Kuifje's suggestion. $\endgroup$