Add decision variables for:
- The actual start time of machine service within each window, continuous
- The actual start time of machine service for a given piece of equipment, continuous
- The actual duration of machine service for a given piece of equipment, continuous
- Binary assignment variables: for each piece of equipment, is it assigned to a given machine service window?
- The maximum value of the assignment variable per piece of equipment group, i.e. "is this piece of equipment used"; continuous
- If assigned, the start time and duration of the equipment service must be equal to the start time and duration of the machine
- The 'used' variable must be at least the value of each 'assigned' variable
- Each machine must have a fixed value for the amount of assigned equipment
- The difference between the stop time of the equipment service and the start time of the next equipment service must be at least 0, or at least the travel time if assigned
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pandas as pd
import pulp
df = pd.DataFrame(
index=pd.Index(name='MachineName', data=('MC001', 'MC002')),
'ServiceTimeStart': [datetime(2023, 9, 30, 18, 35), datetime(2023, 9, 30, 18, 37)],
# 'ServiceTimeEnd': [datetime(2023, 9, 30, 18, 40), datetime(2023, 9, 30, 18, 45)], # would require all 4
'ServiceTimeEnd': [datetime(2023, 9, 30, 18, 55), datetime(2023, 9, 30, 19, 0)],
'EquipName': ['Multimeter', 'Multimeter'],
'EquipServiceTime': [timedelta(minutes=5), timedelta(minutes=7)],
'EquipRequired': [2, 2],
'EquipMoveTime': [timedelta(minutes=2), timedelta(minutes=2)],
first_time = df.ServiceTimeStart.min()
last_time = df.ServiceTimeEnd.max()
one_minute = timedelta(minutes=1)
max_time = (last_time - first_time)/one_minute
max_dur = df.EquipServiceTime.max()/one_minute
one piece of equipment moves from machine to machine, with a fixed move time between them.
machines have fixed windows of time in which they can receive maintenance.
equipment maintenance time is given to be smaller than or equal to machine maintenance window time.
we assume that EquipServiceTime indicates the time for one equipment type and simultaneous use of
all instances of that piece of equipment at the same time.
prob = pulp.LpProblem(name='machine_maintenance', sense=pulp.LpMinimize)
# in the worst case, every machine needs a dedicated equipment set;
# i.e. the amount of equipment is at most the sum of all EquipRequired
max_equip_required = df.groupby('EquipName').EquipRequired.sum()
equip_idx = max_equip_required.apply(range).explode()
equipment = pd.DataFrame({
'EquipIdx': equip_idx,
'EquipID': equip_idx.index + '_' + equip_idx.astype(str),
def make_machine_vars(row: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
# per machine and equipment type, we need to decide when - within
# the maintenance window - the maintenance actually happens
startoff = pulp.LpVariable(
row.ServiceTimeStart - first_time
row.ServiceTimeEnd - first_time - row.EquipServiceTime
return pd.Series(index=['StartOff'], data=[startoff])
df = pd.concat((df, df.apply(make_machine_vars, axis=1)), axis=1)
def make_combos(row: pd.Series):
suffix = f'_{row.MachineName}_{row.EquipID}'
# is this equipment assigned to this machine service?
assign = pulp.LpVariable(name='assign' + suffix, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
# the start and duration time for this equipment to service this machine
startoff = pulp.LpVariable(
name='startoff' + suffix, cat=pulp.LpContinuous,
duration = pulp.LpVariable(
name='duration' + suffix, cat=pulp.LpContinuous,
# if assigned, then the equipment start offset and duration must equal that of the machine
start_error = startoff - row.StartOff
dur_error = duration - row.EquipServiceTime/one_minute
start_tol = 2*max_time*(1 - assign)
dur_tol = 2*max_dur*(1 - assign)
prob.addConstraint(name='startlo' + suffix, constraint=start_error <= start_tol)
prob.addConstraint(name='starthi' + suffix, constraint=-start_error <= start_tol)
prob.addConstraint(name='durlo' + suffix, constraint=dur_error <= dur_tol)
prob.addConstraint(name='durhi' + suffix, constraint=-dur_error <= dur_tol)
return pd.Series(
index=['Assign', 'EquipStartOff', 'EquipDur'],
data=[assign, startoff, duration])
# per machine and equipment instance
combos = pd.merge(
left=df.reset_index(), right=equipment,
left_on='EquipName', right_on='EquipName')
combos = pd.concat(
(combos, combos.apply(make_combos, axis=1)),
).set_index(['MachineName', 'EquipName', 'EquipIdx'])
def make_used(group: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
# for each equipment instance: is it used at least once?
used = pulp.LpVariable(
# if any assign = 1, then used = 1
for (machine_name, equip_name, equip_idx), row in group.iterrows():
constraint=used >= row.Assign,
return pd.Series(index=['Used'], data=[used])
# the objective is to minimize the amount of used equipment
equipment['Used'] = (
prob.objective = equipment.Used.sum()
# for each machine service period, it has an enforced amount of equipment used
for (machine_name, equip_name), group in combos.groupby(level=['MachineName', 'EquipName']):
constraint=group.Assign.sum() == group.iloc[0,:].EquipRequired,
# For every equipment instance,
for equip_id, equip_group in combos.groupby('EquipID'):
# For every pair of chronologically consecutive machine service periods,
machine_groups = tuple(equip_group.groupby(level='MachineName'))
for (machine0_name, machine0), (machine1_name, machine1) in zip(
machine0 = machine0.iloc[0, :]
machine1 = machine1.iloc[0, :]
suffix = f'_{machine0_name}_{machine1_name}_{equip_id}'
# the new start must be after the old stop, plus the move time if assigned
slack = machine1.EquipStartOff - (machine0.EquipStartOff + machine0.EquipDur)
min_pause = machine0.EquipMoveTime/one_minute * machine0.Assign
prob.addConstraint(name='chrono' + suffix, constraint=slack >= min_pause)
assert prob.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
print(f'{prob.objective.value()} pieces of equipment used')
equipment['Used'] = equipment.Used.apply(pulp.LpVariable.value)
df['StartOff'] = first_time + df.StartOff.apply(pulp.LpVariable.value)*one_minute
combos[['StartOff', 'Assign', 'EquipStartOff', 'EquipDur']] = combos[[
'StartOff', 'Assign', 'EquipStartOff', 'EquipDur',
combos.EquipStartOff = first_time + combos.EquipStartOff*one_minute
combos.EquipDur *= one_minute
print(combos[['Assign', 'EquipStartOff', 'EquipDur']])
This run is shown for the more difficult version where all four multimeters needs to be used:
1*used_Multimeter_0 + 1*used_Multimeter_1 + 1*used_Multimeter_2 + 1*used_Multimeter_3 + 0
startlo_MC001_Multimeter_0: 20 assign_MC001_Multimeter_0
- startoff_MC001_Multimeter + startoff_MC001_Multimeter_0 <= 20
starthi_MC001_Multimeter_0: 20 assign_MC001_Multimeter_0
+ startoff_MC001_Multimeter - startoff_MC001_Multimeter_0 <= 20
durlo_MC001_Multimeter_0: 14 assign_MC001_Multimeter_0
+ duration_MC001_Multimeter_0 <= 19
durhi_MC001_Multimeter_0: 14 assign_MC001_Multimeter_0
- duration_MC001_Multimeter_0 <= 9
usedmax_MC001_Multimeter_0: - assign_MC001_Multimeter_0 + used_Multimeter_0
>= 0
usedmax_MC002_Multimeter_0: - assign_MC002_Multimeter_0 + used_Multimeter_0
>= 0
nequip_MC001_Multimeter: assign_MC001_Multimeter_0 + assign_MC001_Multimeter_1
+ assign_MC001_Multimeter_2 + assign_MC001_Multimeter_3 = 2
nequip_MC002_Multimeter: assign_MC002_Multimeter_0 + assign_MC002_Multimeter_1
+ assign_MC002_Multimeter_2 + assign_MC002_Multimeter_3 = 2
chrono_MC001_MC002_Multimeter_0: - 2 assign_MC001_Multimeter_0
- duration_MC001_Multimeter_0 - startoff_MC001_Multimeter_0
+ startoff_MC002_Multimeter_0 >= 0
chrono_MC001_MC002_Multimeter_1: - 2 assign_MC001_Multimeter_1
- duration_MC001_Multimeter_1 - startoff_MC001_Multimeter_1
+ startoff_MC002_Multimeter_1 >= 0
0 <= assign_MC001_Multimeter_0 <= 1 Integer
0 <= assign_MC001_Multimeter_1 <= 1 Integer
0 <= assign_MC001_Multimeter_2 <= 1 Integer
0 <= assign_MC001_Multimeter_3 <= 1 Integer
0 <= assign_MC002_Multimeter_0 <= 1 Integer
0 <= assign_MC002_Multimeter_1 <= 1 Integer
0 <= assign_MC002_Multimeter_2 <= 1 Integer
0 <= assign_MC002_Multimeter_3 <= 1 Integer
duration_MC001_Multimeter_0 <= 7 Continuous
duration_MC001_Multimeter_1 <= 7 Continuous
duration_MC001_Multimeter_2 <= 7 Continuous
duration_MC001_Multimeter_3 <= 7 Continuous
duration_MC002_Multimeter_0 <= 7 Continuous
duration_MC002_Multimeter_1 <= 7 Continuous
duration_MC002_Multimeter_2 <= 7 Continuous
duration_MC002_Multimeter_3 <= 7 Continuous
startoff_MC001_Multimeter = 0 Continuous
startoff_MC001_Multimeter_0 <= 10 Continuous
startoff_MC001_Multimeter_1 <= 10 Continuous
startoff_MC001_Multimeter_2 <= 10 Continuous
startoff_MC001_Multimeter_3 <= 10 Continuous
2 <= startoff_MC002_Multimeter <= 3 Continuous
startoff_MC002_Multimeter_0 <= 10 Continuous
startoff_MC002_Multimeter_1 <= 10 Continuous
startoff_MC002_Multimeter_2 <= 10 Continuous
startoff_MC002_Multimeter_3 <= 10 Continuous
used_Multimeter_0 Continuous
used_Multimeter_1 Continuous
used_Multimeter_2 Continuous
used_Multimeter_3 Continuous
Welcome to the CBC MILP Solver
Version: 2.10.3
Build Date: Dec 15 2019
At line 2 NAME MODEL
At line 3 ROWS
At line 51 COLUMNS
At line 192 RHS
At line 239 BOUNDS
At line 267 ENDATA
Problem MODEL has 46 rows, 30 columns and 120 elements
Coin0008I MODEL read with 0 errors
Option for timeMode changed from cpu to elapsed
Continuous objective value is 2 - 0.00 seconds
Cgl0003I 0 fixed, 0 tightened bounds, 8 strengthened rows, 0 substitutions
Cgl0003I 0 fixed, 0 tightened bounds, 8 strengthened rows, 0 substitutions
Cgl0004I processed model has 30 rows, 21 columns (8 integer (8 of which binary)) and 91 elements
Cutoff increment increased from 1e-05 to 0.9999
Cbc0038I Initial state - 8 integers unsatisfied sum - 3.60216
Cbc0038I Pass 1: suminf. 2.49432 (7) obj. 2.75284 iterations 5
Cbc0038I Pass 2: suminf. 1.61364 (4) obj. 3.19318 iterations 8
Cbc0038I Pass 3: suminf. 0.00000 (0) obj. 4 iterations 2
Cbc0038I Solution found of 4
Cbc0038I Relaxing continuous gives 4
Cbc0038I Before mini branch and bound, 0 integers at bound fixed and 1 continuous
Cbc0038I Full problem 30 rows 21 columns, reduced to 30 rows 20 columns
Cbc0038I Mini branch and bound did not improve solution (0.03 seconds)
Cbc0038I Round again with cutoff of 2.90009
Cbc0038I Pass 4: suminf. 2.49432 (7) obj. 2.75284 iterations 0
Result - Optimal solution found
Objective value: 4.00000000
Enumerated nodes: 0
Total iterations: 0
Time (CPU seconds): 0.05
Time (Wallclock seconds): 0.05
Option for printingOptions changed from normal to all
Total time (CPU seconds): 0.06 (Wallclock seconds): 0.06
4.0 pieces of equipment used
EquipIdx EquipID Used
Multimeter 0 Multimeter_0 1.0
Multimeter 1 Multimeter_1 1.0
Multimeter 2 Multimeter_2 1.0
Multimeter 3 Multimeter_3 1.0
ServiceTimeStart ServiceTimeEnd EquipName EquipServiceTime EquipRequired EquipMoveTime StartOff
MC001 2023-09-30 18:35:00 2023-09-30 18:40:00 Multimeter 0 days 00:05:00 2 0 days 00:02:00 2023-09-30 18:35:00
MC002 2023-09-30 18:37:00 2023-09-30 18:45:00 Multimeter 0 days 00:07:00 2 0 days 00:02:00 2023-09-30 18:37:00
Assign EquipStartOff EquipDur
MachineName EquipName EquipIdx
MC001 Multimeter 0 1.0 2023-09-30 18:35:00 0 days 00:05:00
1 0.0 2023-09-30 18:35:00 0 days 00:00:00
2 0.0 2023-09-30 18:35:00 0 days 00:00:00
3 1.0 2023-09-30 18:35:00 0 days 00:05:00
MC002 Multimeter 0 0.0 2023-09-30 18:45:00 0 days 00:00:00
1 1.0 2023-09-30 18:37:00 0 days 00:07:00
2 1.0 2023-09-30 18:37:00 0 days 00:07:00
3 0.0 2023-09-30 18:45:00 0 days 00:00:00
You ask:
explain the code underneath the comment # if assigned, then the equipment start offset and duration must equal that of the machine
This model has an offset and duration within the service window of the machine, and then a model and offset for every single equipment instance that might be assigned to that machine. If it is assigned, then the machine variables need to equal the equipment variables. This equality is enforced conditionally using a big M constraint.
I can't make out why we need to double the max_time: 2max_time(1 - assign) if there is no offset?
It's not if there's no offset; it's if there's no assignment. We double the maximum time to calculate a "big M": a coefficient sufficiently large enough that it can be guaranteed never smaller than the times with which it's compared.
how the logic for start_error = startoff - row.StartOff works?
In this context, startoff
is the equipment-specific start time variable and row.StartOff
is the machine start time variable. This defines the difference between the two. If the equipment is assigned, that difference is forced to 0; otherwise it's left unconstrained.