Folks, I am working on a project in which I have to code some C++ algorithms for smooth MINLPs. Such algorithms are Extended Cutting Plane, Extended Supporting Hyperplane, and Outer Approximation. I am planning to use some MILP solver (for solving the master problem) along with its callback functionality (for adding cuts from the slave problems).
Therefore, I am trying to choose the most suitable option for my situation. Below I listed such options in a table. So far I have listed some requirements the MILP solver must have (1st column), and the corresponding functions (remaining columns) in two solvers, the Coin-OR B&C, and the CPLEX.
I placed the "?" character in the cells I do not know the proper information. I am looking for the remaining information necessary to fill this table. I would like to know if someone has worked with MINLP before, and if has some answers for filling this table. Also, any recommendations of others solvers are very welcome.
Thank you very much for the attention, best regards.