I am solving a sourcing allocation optimization problem. Here I have let's say two brands. Each brand has a raw material demand across the 3 plants (Demand in kg)
Brand 1 | Brand2 | |
Plant 1 | 3000 | 2000 |
Plant 2 | 2000 | 1000 |
Plant 3 | 3000 | 2000 |
This demand has to be satisfied by allocating vendors to fulfill demand s.t. minimize the cost of sourcing from them.
- Vendor 1 : 5000 (capacity in kg)
- Vendor 2 : 5000
- Vendor 3 : 5000
- Vendor 4 : 5000
I also have a cost matrix that suggests
Brand1 : plant 1 : vendor 1 : 20 (cost per kg)
I am struggling to define a model with a constraint as follows:
- Allocate exactly two vendors for every brand
This is of course along with constraints
- Non-negative quantity
- Total allocated quantity meets the demand requirement
- Total allocated quantity is less than equal to the capacity of the vendor
Here is the piece of code that I have tried. I am not able to create the equation correctly in pyomo which ensures a total number of vendors allocated at brand level is == 2. For the same brand, it can be one for a plant or repeated across plants.
demand = {('B1','P1'):5000,('B1','P2'):3000,('B2','P1'):5000,('B2','P2'):3000}
vendor = {'v1':2000,'v2':10000,'v3':6000}
plant = {'P1':6000,'P2':10000}
brand = {'B1':8000,'B2':8000}
cost = {('B1','v1','P1'):19,('B1','v1','P2'):27,('B1','v2','P1'):23,('B1','v2','P2'):27,('B1','v3','P1'):20,('B1','v3','P2'):20,
model = ConcreteModel()
model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
model.i = Set(initialize=list(brand.keys()), doc='Brand')
model.j = Set(initialize=list(vendor.keys()), doc='Vendors')
model.k = Set(initialize=list(plant.keys()), doc='Plant')
model.a = Param(model.j, initialize=vendor, doc='Capacity of supplier i in cases')
model.b = Param(model.i,model.k, initialize=demand, doc='Demand at plant (B,P) (i,k) in cases')
model.c = Param(model.i, model.j,model.k, initialize=cost, doc='Transport cost in thousands of dollar per case')
model.x = Var(model.i, model.j,model.k, bounds=(0.0,None), doc='Shipment quantities in case')
model.y = Var(model.i, model.j,model.k, bounds=(0.0,1.0), doc='max allocation per brand')
def supply_rule(model, j):
return sum(model.x[i,j,k] for i in model.i for k in model.k) <= model.a[j]
model.supply = Constraint(model.j, rule=supply_rule, doc='Observe supply limit at plant i')
def demand_rule(model, i,k):
return sum(model.x[i,j,k] for j in model.j) == model.b[i,k]
model.demand = Constraint(model.i,model.k, rule=demand_rule, doc='Satisfy demand at market j')
// ** This is the constraint i am struggling to code **//
model.count_con6 = ConstraintList()
for i in model.i:
for j in model.j:
if model.j!=model.j[-1]:
model.count_con6.add(sum(model.y[i,j,k] for k in model.k)==2)
def objective_rule(model):
return sum(model.c[i,j,k]*model.x[i,j,k]**model.y[i,j,k] for i in model.i for j in model.j for k in model.k)
model.objective = Objective(rule=objective_rule, sense=minimize, doc='Define objective function')
//** The above model definition returns quadratic equation error in cbc solver and model errr in ipopt**//
if __name__ == '__main__':
# This emulates what the pyomo command-line tools does
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
import pyomo.environ
#opt = SolverFactory("mindtpy")
#results = opt.solve(model)
#sends results to stdout
SolverFactory('ipopt', executable='/content/ipopt').solve(model)
print("\nDisplaying Solution\n" + '-'*60)
pyomo_postprocess(None, model, results)