I am working with a variant of TSP, number of nodes that I need to test are in between 2500 to 3000 nodes, I am using docplex for modelling, I have a 8 gb Ram but it gets filled with only 400 nodes.
for 100 nodes, there are 2280 constraints and 408100 indicator and if_then constraints.
for 200 nodes, there are 4480 constraints and 1616200 indicator and if_then constraints. (Maybe my model is not optimal.)
How to handle large models? I am looking for techniques available to solve or optimize large models.
My Model:
problem: there are $m$ cars they need to deliver goods at $n$ nodes, each car has goods and they give some % of there goods to these delivery points multiple cars can deliver at same point.
example 2 cars 3 delivery points
car 1 can deliver 0.4 goods at p1, 0.6 at p2
car 2 can deliver 0.6 goods at p1, 0.4 at p2
so p1 and p2 has 1 (represent it as T) they are full filled but p3 has none. If car has no goods left it comes back at start point.
$x_{i,j,k}$ - car k take edge i,j. (binary)
$d_{i}$ - delivery point i requirement full filled. (binary)
$G_{i,k}$ - goods car k has left at node i. (continuous $\in [0,1]$ )
$DG_{i,k}$ - amount of goods gained by node i from car k. (continuous $\in [0,1] $)
$A_{i,k}$ - arrival time of car k at node i.
start node is excluded.
$$max. \sum_{i}^{n} d_i$$
$$\sum_{j}^{n} x_{j,i,k} - \sum_{j}^{n} x_{i,j,k}=0 \text{, incoming node - outgoing node = 0}$$
$$\sum_{j}^{n} x_{j,0,k} = 1 \text{, for start point 1 incoming}$$ $$\sum_{j}^{n} x_{0,j,k} = 1 \text{, for start point 1 outgoing}$$
$$A_{0,k} = 0 \text{, initialise arrival time at start to 0 }$$ $$G_{0,k} = 1 \text{, initialise total goods at start to 100%}$$
$$x_{i,j,k} -> A_{j,k} = A_{i,k}+X $$ if i,j edge is taken ($x_{i,j,k} = 1$) so arrival time at j is arrival time at i + X, X is constant (also removes sub tours).
$$x_{i,j,k} -> G_{j,k} = G_{i,k} - DG_{j,k} - Y $$
if i,j edge is taken ($x_{i,j,k} = 1$) so goods at j is reduced by goods at i - goods gain by node at j, Y is constant.
$$\sum_{j}^{n} x_{j,i,k} = 0 -> DG_{i,k} = 0 $$
if there is no visit to node i then charge gain at node i is 0.
Referring to @robpratt answer here If else condition to MILP
$$T*d_{j} \leq Z+\sum_{k}^{m}DG_{j,k} \leq (T-0.0001) * (1-d_{j}) + T*d_{j}$$
above equation means if charge gain at node j from all cars to equal to threshold (T) then $d_{j}$ is 1
$$d_{i} = 0 -> \sum_{j}^{n} x_{j,i,k} = 0 $$
means if we can not deliver goods to i don't visit i.
docplex has methods such as add_indicator and add_if_then so I have not linearized there constraints.
Above formulation works for small nodes 10-20 how do I improve this model so that it can be tested with large number of nodes.