We have a game with infinite but countable rounds. We have one machine, that may either break down, or continue operating. For each round the machine operates, it gives cost $-1$ (so profit of $1$). However, it may break down with probability $0.1$ at each round. Our control policy is:
Whenever the machine breaks down pay $c\cdot p^2$ where $c > 0$ is a cost parameter, while $p$ is a variable. The selection of $0 \leq p \leq 1$ gives the probability that repairing the machine will be successful and the machine will operate next round.
So there are two states for the machine: operating, out-of-order (states $O$ and $D$, respectively). My goal is to find out $p$ to minimize my $\alpha$-discounted infinite time horizon cost (we can assume initial state is $O$).
Whenever we are in state $O$, we pay $-1$ cost and go to the $\alpha$-discounted next stage. However, with probability $0.1$ this stage is break-down state, and with $0.9$ probability this is the operating state.
Whenever we are in state $D$, we pay $c\cdot p^2$ and go to the $\alpha$-discounted next stage. This stage will be in state $O$ with probability $p$ and will be $D$ with probability $1-p$.
So the Bellman equations are thus: \begin{align} & V(O) = -1 + \alpha \left[ 0.1 V(D) + 0.9 V(O) \right] \\ & V(D) = c\cdot p^2 + \alpha \left[ (p )V(O) + (1-p) V(D)\right] \end{align} What I do is I re-write the second equation as $V(D) = \text{a function of } V(O)$ and replace this function in the first equation whenever I see $V(D)$. Then, the final expression of $V(O)$ is just a function of $p$: \begin{align} V(O) = \frac{-1 + \alpha - \alpha p + 0.1\alpha cp^2}{(1 - 1.9\alpha + 0.9\alpha^2) + \alpha p - \alpha^2 p} \end{align} I think I should just minimize the above function with respect to $p$. My issues here are:
- The second derivative $\geq 0$ is required for convexity (for the usage of FOCs), and the second derivative is massive. I think I also need to constrain $ p \in [0,1]$ so the KKT system is too complicated.
- I used a reformulation technique to obtain a convex minimization problem with linear constraint as in here, again it is too complicated and I am afraid if there is some easier way to find the optimal $p$.