I have a weird planning problem. I think it falls under the assignment category, but I'm not sure because I'm not familiar with assignment problems, and also because there is a "temporal" angle to it, which maybe makes it a bit different from classical assignment problems.
We have $k$ workers $\{W_1,\dots,W_k\}$ ($k=2$ currently, but it could change in the future), and a sequence of tasks of different value $L=[v_1,\dots,v_n \mid v_i\in Z^{\neq}]$ such that $V=\sum_iv_i$. I want to assign tasks to each worker in such a way that $\sum v_{iW_1}=0.3V$ and $\sum v_{iW_2}=0.7V$, i.e., minimizing the cost
$$L=\left(\sum v_{iW_2}-0.7V\right)^2$$
However, the tasks are assigned in order (i.e., task $v_i$ is assigned before task $v_{i+1}$) and for some reason, the number of "switches" $m$ is to be minimized. With switch, I mean the action of assigning task $v_{i+1}$ to a different worker than the one to which I assigned task $v_i$. Obviously $m\geq1$. The overall number of switches should be minimized, and a "batched assignment" solution would be preferred: say, assign at least 3 consecutive tasks to the same worker.
I understand the problem is underspecified: the internal customer I'm doing this for, doesn't really know what they want. For example, rather than saying "don't switch too often", they should actually quantify the cost of switching from a worker to another.
Even then, I think there should be a way to find a solution which is "optimal" in some sense, like for example minimizing both the cost and the number of switches:
$$L'=\left(\sum v_{iW_2}-0.7V\right)^2+cm^2,\ c>0$$