In the static stochastic knapsack problem (SSKP) the weights $w_i$ of the items are distributed according to a probability distribution. Each item $i \in I$ can be selected at most once.
So, considering a binary variable $x_i \in \{0, 1\}$ and a set of $N$ scenarios $W = \{\mathbf{w^1},\dots,\mathbf{w^N}\} $ we can write constraints like the following (i.e. worst-case robust optimization):
$$ \sum_{i \in I} w_{i}^{\xi} \cdot x_i \le C \qquad \forall \xi =1,\dots, N$$
where $C$ is the capacity of the knapsack. Or, in terms of a chance constraint program:
$$ Pr\left(\sum_{i \in I} \tilde{w}_{i} \cdot x_i \le C\right) \ge 1-\alpha $$
where $\tilde{w}_{i}$ are random variables. Or other similar formulations (i.e. stochastic optimization)...
QUESTION: Considering the unbounded version of the SSKP, that is a problem in which:
- each item $i$ can be selected multiple times, without a priori limit besides what imposed by the total capacity $C$ of the knapsack (i.e. type $i$ with average weight $\bar w_i$ can be selected at most about $\left \lfloor{\frac{C}{\bar w_i}}\right \rfloor $ times),
- the weight of each item is stochastic,
- items of the same type $i$ can have different weights.
how can I express the constraints?
For example (I know it is not correct, just to "formalize" what I mean), let $x_i \in \mathbb{N}$ represent the number of items $i$ included in the selection, and $\tilde{w}_{ij}$ be the (stochastic) weight of the $j$-th instance of the $i$-th type, I would formally express the probabilistic constraint as follows (notice the variable $x_i$ in the summation, which is where I think I abused the notation):
$$ Pr\left(\sum_{i \in I}\sum_{j=0}^{x_i} \tilde{w}_{ij} \le C \right)\ge 1-\alpha $$
Is it possible to deal with this type of constraint with a MIP formulation (not necessarily for the chance constraint)?