Consider the positivity constrained optimization problem $$ \min_{\vec{x}:\, \vec{x} \ge 0} f\left(\vec{x}\right). $$ The first order conditions are that for index $i$ either $x_i=0$ or $\nabla_x f\left(\vec{x}\right)_i = 0$. I am thinking about the iterative method that starts with some random, strictly positive, estimate $\vec{x}^{(0)}$, then iteratively takes a step in the direction $$-\nabla_x f\left(\vec{x}^{(k)}\right) \odot \vec{x}^{(k)},$$ with scaling chosen by line search.
This isn't strictly "Steepest Descent", but is very similar. Is this a known method, and what is it generally called? Can somebody provide a reference or name?