I have these two constraints, where the indices are $i$ person, $j$ shift and $t$, the day. $x_{ijt}$ is the shift assignment, $m_{ijt}$ the motivation of the person in a shift (only takes values $m_{ijt}>0$ if the corresponding value of $x_{ijt}=1$, otherwise $m_{ijt}=0$) and the slack $s^+_{jt}$. The first constraint ensures that demand is met and the second that if demand is greater than 0, then at least one person works and therefore not everything falls into the slack variable. Is it possible to combine both constraints into one constraint? The reasons for this do not matter for now.
$$ \begin{align} &\sum_{i}^{}m_{ijt}+s^+_{jt}\ge Demand_{jt}&\forall j,t\\ &\sum_{i}^{}x_{ijt}\ge 0.1\cdot Demand_{jt}&\forall j,t \end{align} $$