One major issue is that your problem is nonconvex since you are maximizing a function that is not concave, i.e., $\max|z|^2$ or equivalently, $\max|z|$. If $z$ was a real number, you could perhaps pass the hurdle by solving $\max z$ and $\min z$ separately, but this phase/angle-enumeration trick is not possible in general for complex valued $z$. Unless the problem has special structure hidden in constraints or coefficients, this nonconvexity destroys all hope of direct reformulations to a convex optimization standard form, such as LP and SOCP.
A much stronger proof such as NP-hardness would nevertheless be required to rule out indirect reformulations to convex optimization, also known as hidden convexity, which reframe the problem in a vastly different set of variables (e.g., nonlinear substitution). The Charnes-Cooper transformation is an example of this technique, but works on real-valued LP's with a single rational term (linear-over-linear) as the objective function. Your problem is complex-valued and has a sum of rational terms in the objective and so does not apply.
Finally, lets look at the hope for generalizing the Charnes-Cooper transformation. Hence, we would be replacing all variables $x$ by $y/t$ to homogenize the problem (thereby extending the feasible set to a cone), and renormalize from $t=1$ (the original problem) to some other set of normalization constraints with the following properties
The new normalization preserves a bijective mapping to the original feasible set so all points can be mapped from $(y,t)$ to $x$, and no solutions of $x$ are missed.
The new normalization allows us to simplify the objective function.
I have not been able to find such normalization for your problem, and doubt that any exists. My intuition tells me that this trick would require the problem to be quasi-convex, which it is not in your case, since you are maximizing a function that is not quasi-concave.