I'm working on an integer programming problem that's fundamentally a minimum cost multicommodity flow (MCMF) problem with additional constraints. I'm exploring the use of column generation to solve it, building upon the path-based formulation presented in this open-access article.
$min \sum_{k \in K}\sum_{p \in P(k)} c_p^ky_p^k $
$\sum_{k \in K}\sum_{p \in P(k)} y_p^k\delta_{ij}^p \leqslant d_{ij}, \forall ij \in A $
$ \sum_{p \in P(k)} y_p^k = 1, \forall k \in K $
$ y_p^k \in \{0,1\}, \forall p \in P(k), \forall k \in K $
Where $y_p^k$ is a binary decision variable that equals $1$ if the commodity $k$ routed through path $p$ whose cost is $c_p^k$. $P(k)$ is the set of paths through which commodity $k$ can be routed. $\delta_{ij}^p$ is equal to $1$ if edge $ij$ is on path $p$, otherwise is equal to $0$. $d_{ij}$ is the capacity of edge $ij$.
My problem has the following unique characteristics:
- Commodity types: Commodities are partitioned into three distinct types: $K_{t_1}, K_{t_2}, K_{t_3}$, in other words: $K = K_{t_1} \cup K_{t_2} \cup K_{t_3}$.
- Type-exclusive edge usage: Flows belonging to different types must not share edges.
To enforce this edge exclusivity, I've introduced binary variables $V_{ij}^t$, $t \in \{t_1, t_2, t_3\}, \forall ij \in A$, indicating whether edge $ij$ is assigned to type $t$. The constraints are as follows:
1. Edge assignment constraint: $\sum_{t \in \{t_1, t_2, t_3\}} V_{ij}^t = 1, \forall ij \in A$
2. Flow compatibility constraint: $\sum_{k \in K_t} \sum_{p \in P(k)} \delta_{ij}^k y_p^k \leqslant V_{ij}^t d_{ij}, \forall K_t \in \{K_{t_1}, K_{t_2}, K_{t_3}\}, \forall ij \in A$
My questions are:
- Is column generation still applicable to this modified problem structure?
- If so, how do these additional constraints, particularly the edge assignment constraint (1), impact the pricing problem and other aspects of the column generation procedure?