Given a binary optimization problem of the following form:
\begin{align} min\; &cx&\\ &Dx \leq e&\\ &\sum_{i\in S} x_i \leq r(S) &\forall S\in \mathbb{S}\\ &x_i binary &\forall i\in N \end{align}
The set $\mathbb{S}$ is the family of all infeasible subsets, i.e. all infeasible combinations of items $i$. For every $S\in \mathbb{S}$ we have $\sum_{i\in S} x_i \leq r(S)$, where $r(S)$ is the maximum number of items that can be selected from $S$ in any feasible solution. Note that because $S$ is an infeasible subset, it must hold that $r(S) \leq |S|-1$. For a given $S\in \mathbb{S}$, it's possible to compute $r(S)$ via a simple MIP. The family $\mathbb{S}$ is however exponentially large so it's not possible to precompute the entire set, so the intend is to add these constraints through a cutting plane procedure.
For a given LP solution $\bar{x}$, I would like to verify whether there exists a set $S\in \mathbb{S}$ for which the constraint is violated. More precisely, I'd like to find the set $S'$ that maximizes the violation: $argmax_{S'\in \mathbb{S}}\sum_{i\in S'}\bar{x}_i-r(S')$.
To have a concrete example, let's assume that $\mathbb{S}=\{S\subset N|\sum_{i\in S}a_i>b\}$ is the family of subsets that exceed a knapsack constraint*. Let $z_i$ be a binary variable indicating whether item $i$ is a member of set $S'$. To find the most violated set $S'$, we would have to solve: \begin{align} \max \sum_{i\in N}\bar{x}_iz_i-r(z) \end{align}
\begin{align} r(z)=&\max \sum_{i\in N}y_i&\\ &\sum_{i\in N}a_iy_i\leq b&\\ &y_i\leq z_i & \forall i\in N\\ &y_i binary &\forall i\in N \end{align}
If the resulting objective is strictly positive, a violated set has been found. My question: is there a way to reformulate this separation problem into single model (e.g. $\max \sum_{i\in N}\bar{x}_iz_i-r$ with $r\geq \dots$)? If not, how would one solve this formulation?
*: in my problem, the infeasible sets are more complex than knapsack constraints, but I use it here for illustrative purposes.